
Our proposed solution utilizes chemical, physical, and biological modification processes that can improve the agronomic effectiveness of solid waste to produce carbon-sink bag sheaths for growing trees in degraded soils.


The carbon-sink bag sheaths are produced by blending rock minerals including olivine with solid waste which is first modified into biochar through pyrolysis.


 Biochar is an efficient form of carbon sequestration, are hygroscopic and can retain both water and soluble nutrients to be released slowly over time. Our products are in form of biodegradable mineralized product that can hold wind and surface runoff and will be marketed to farmers planting trees in degraded lands.


Used for growing trees


Acts as an agent for soil improvement


Greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation.


Valuable soil enhancer that can hold carbon, boost food security and increase soil biodiversity


Highly porous product that helps soils to retain nutrients and water.


An effective way to sequestrate carbon and fight against climate change.


An innovative, pioneer, and cost-effective soil and water conservation technique for regenerating degraded lands.

The Carbon-sink Bag sheaths allows the trees to grow in soil that would otherwise not be conducive to growth and as it breaks down provides healthy microorganism life and an environment around the tree that is healthier for plant life due to the introduction of shade and increased water retention in the soil among other factors. Initial trials demonstrate that our Carbon-sink Bag sheaths improve land productivity increasing first annual yields by 50-70% and subsequent yields by 200- 300%

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Problem Solved

 Proposed initiative simply entails turning an environmental and social risk into an opportunity (turning an environmental hazard into a safe asset). Application of Carbon-sink Bag sheaths is an effective countermeasure to increase soil organic carbon stock while improving soil fertility and climate change mitigation in agriculture. The soil ameliorant is a game-changer that not only enrich the soils with minerals and arrest CO2 but improves plant structure, increase resistance to pests and disease, and more intense flavor profiles for fruits and vegetables.

What is the problem your company is solving?

Increasing atmospheric CO2 is one of the biggest contributors to global warming and any intervention to reduce atmospheric CO2 is worthy a trial. The health of soil is a primary concern to farmers and the global community, the declining soil quantity and quality in large parts of the developing world poses a threat to food security. In many parts of Africa, the soils are degraded, eroded, and successively ‘mined’ of their nutrients. In many parts of Africa, the soils are degraded and eroded.

Opportunity Size

12 million Kenyan farmers each own 3-5 acres of degraded land.15000 private commercial farms  are planting trees.

Average trees planted per acre is 100.



Carbon sink Bag sheaths is an innovative, pioneer, and cost-effective soil and water conservation technique for regenerating degraded lands.